Leave your car at home. Try another way to the Street Faire!
Louisville residents have several convenient travel options to downtown Louisville for the Street Faire, including transit, bicycling and carpooling.
The DASH route connects downtown Boulder to Louisville and Lafayette via South Boulder Road. The DASH provides high-frequency access to Louisville City Hall, downtown Louisville, Angevine Middle School, Centaurus High School and ends at the Lafayette park-n-Ride. Please visit rtd-denver.com for detailed route information and service times.
The Louisville Call-n-Ride is an on-demand, call-ahead service operated by RTD. The Call-n-Ride provides curb-to-curb transportation anywhere you need to go within the designated service area. Simply call at least one hour in advance and the Call-n-Ride will pick you up and take you home again. One-way cash fare is $2.25, or free with a transfer or with an RTD Eco Pass. Please call the Louisville Call-n-Ride at 303-434-8960 to schedule your ride or visit rtd-denver.com for more information.
Arrive at the Street Faire by bike! There are bike lanes on McCaslin Blvd., Via Appia, and Cherry Street, connecting to bikeable residential streets. Bicyclists can use the Coal Creek Trail to bike downtown from 120th Street in Lafayette or from McCaslin in Superior. Where the Coal Creek Trail meets Roosevelt Avenue and Belle Vista Drive, bike north to Main Street.
Plan your bicycle trip to downtown Louisville using BikeLinks 36, a regional bicycle map for the U.S. 36 corridor.
You can also plan your bicycle trip using Google Maps. Simply click on “Get Directions” and select “Bicycling” from the drop-down menu.
Designated bicycle parking is available along Main Street and bike racks are available in front of Louisville Public Library and City Hall.
Consider carpooling with friends or neighbors to the downtown Street Faire. Carpooling is two or more people going together in one vehicle to their destination, and it is easy because few people are involved; a carpool is flexible and can usually accommodate everyone’s needs. By carpooling, you free up parking spaces, reduce traffic congestion, save on gas and reduce wear and tear on your vehicle.
Join a carpool matching network to find a carpool buddy.
Trip-Planning Assistance
36 Commuting Solutions is a nonprofit organization located in Louisville with the mission to enhance mobility for commuters along the U.S. 36 corridor. Please contact us for individual trip-planning assistance or more information regarding any of your Louisville commute options. 36commutingsolutions.org or 303-604-4385.