Community Meeting
City Hall Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
749 Main St
October 3
6:00 – 7:30 pm
This important community meeting will present an update on the project including
initial design alternatives for HWY 42 and the South Street Gateway. The presentation will be followed by an open house and Q&A session. For more information contact Gavin McMillan; gavinm@louisvilleco.gov or
First Friday Art Walk
October 5
6:00 – 9:00 pm
Dont miss the many galleries, stores and cafes with receptions and shows that feature some of the best artwork around. Enjoy the restaurants and socializing on Main Street, Front Street and along the sidestreets. Visit louisvilleartsdistrict.com for artwalk map and featured artist information.
Creations Gallery of Fine Art and Gifts, 940 Main Street, has expanded exhibit space allowing for enlarged collection of affordable 3D art, perfect for special occasions, and in time for holiday planning. They feature glass art, ceramics, sculpture, paintings, woodcraft, photography and fabulous jewelry and a big greeting card selection. All artists are juried in from among the regions best.

Louisville Arts District
Rhythm And Hues
Louisville Center for the Arts
801 Grant Ave
October 6
7:00 pm
Support the public arts in Louisville by attending this one-of- a-kind event that includes live performance, art exhibition and an auction. Musical performances by Dana V. Music while artist paint spontaneously. Tickets are $30 and can be purchased at Creative Framing, Creations Gallery of Fine Art, By Chance or L.A. Coopersmith.
Free Library Events
Louisville Public Library
951 Main St
The Louisville Public Library in conjunction with CU Office of Outreach will sponsor the following events at the Library:

Animal Passions and Beastly Virtues:
Expanding Our Compassion Footprint and Rewilding Our Heart
October 11
7:00 pm
Research in cognitive ethology, the study of animal minds, and common sense indicate that animals are emotional, compassionate, empathic, and moral beings. How animals interact with one another tells us a lot about whats happening inside their heads and hearts. Professor Marc Bekoff will talk about animal emotions and moral behavior and the details of social play behavior and fair play especially in dogs, coyotes, and wolves.

Shadow Puppets for Clean Energy Education in the Navajo Nation
October 20
11:00 am
Beth Osnes, assistant professor of theatre and dance, will lead children in theatre and song about the many forms of energy that we all use. The program will involve participants in the work Osnes has been conducting in the Navajo Nation using theatre and solar-powered shadow-puppet play to teach Navajo students about clean energy solutions. Songs by Grammy-winning, Tom Wasinger, will lead participants in this adventure. Appropriate for all ages.
Autism in the Family: A Panel Discussion
October 3
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Parents and siblings discuss how autism impacts the family. Presented by the Autism Society of Boulder County as part of the ‘On The Same Page’ one-book project sponsored by Lafayette, Superior and Louisville.
More information on the above events at conted.colorado.edu/library.
An Evening of Pampering
Front Street Hair Studio
734 Front Street
October 12
4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
What a great deal for a great cause! Drop by the Salon for a $15.00 Shampoo/Blow Dry or Pedicure with all proceeds going to Susan G Komen for the Cure. To schedule an appointment call 303-666-5802.
Historic Walking Tour of
Downtown Louisville
Historical Museum
1001 Main Street
October 6
9:30 am
This walking tour has the theme of “Legends of La Farge” and it will focus on the early family homes of the 800 and 900 blocks of La Farge Ave. These blocks were part of the first residential subdivision (Jefferson Place) to have been developed in Louisville. No advanced registration required. Winter hours for the Museum are returning starting Monday, October 8. The Museum will be open Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
The CTC Trail is Now Open
The Colorado Technology Center to Downtown Louisville Pedestrian/Bike Trail opened September 14. Get your walking shoes on or hop on your bike and check it out!!