If there is one thing Vi Vin and his family know, it’s hardship.
In the throes of World War II, Vi’s parents fled war-torn China and found a home in Vietnam. In 1970, Vi was born in Saigon and persevered through final years of the Vietnam War. In 1978, his older brother escaped to a refugee camp in Thailand. While in Thailand, a human rights organization and a Colorado family sponsored Vi’s brother to come to the United States. Upon arrival, Vi’s brother bought a home in Louisville. In 1981, Double Happy was born. Five years later, Vi’s brother arranged for the rest of the family to escape Vietnam. One of the family members was then 15 –year old Vi Vin. Today, Vi continues to work for the family business. Double Happy is the longest running active business in Downtown Louisville!!!!

For nearly 40 years, the family business on Main Street has weathered the oil bust in the 1980s, 9/11, and The Great Recession. But it was the closing of Storage Tek that had the most impact on Double Happy. During its heyday, Storage Tek, employees would fill the dining room for lunch, (double) happy hour and dinner. It was a blow from which Double Happy never recovered. And now this.
The closing of Storage Tek forced Double Happy to develop a strong take out business. Having a stable of loyal carryout customers helps in times like these. Like many small businesses in downtown, Vi is worried about how long the ccoronavirus crisis will keep the dining room closed. He has the resources to last through May. Beyond May, it is anyone’s guess what will happen.
If there are two things that Vi and his family know, it’s: 1) how to make delicious Asian Cuisine; and 2) how to persevere through tough times.
Though he was raised in Asia, Vi’s roots are firmly planted in Louisville. He so appreciates the love and support our community has given him for more than 40 years. Based on their past, I am betting that Vi and his family will continue to keep serving the best Asian food in Boulder County.
During this crisis, we are all Louisville. When it finally ends, we will all be “Double Happy.”
During these difficult times, please support Double Happy and all of our downtown businesses.

Double Happy Restaurant
740 Main St.
Louisville, CO 80027
(303) 666-8821